Internals reference

Entry point

pyssh.new_session(hostname='localhost', port='22', username=None, password=None, passphrase=None, connect_on_init=False, verify_knownhost_callback=None)[source]

Shortcut method for create new session instance.

Session by default has lazy connection management. It only connects when it is need. But this this function you can pass connect_on_init parameter with True and session connects to the remote server before it are returned.

  • hostname (str) – remote ip or host
  • port (int) – remote port
  • username (str) – remote user name with which you want to authenticate
  • password (str) – remote user password.
  • passphrase (str) – passphrase in case you would authenticate with pubkey
  • connect_on_init (bool) – determines the lazyness of connection with remote server.
pyssh.connect(hostname='localhost', port='22', username=None, password=None, passphrase=None)[source]

Shortcut method for create new session and connects to remote server.

  • hostname (str) – remote ip or host
  • port (int) – remote port
  • username (str) – remote user name with which you want to authenticate
  • password (str) – remote user password.
  • passphrase (str) – passphrase in case you would authenticate with pubkey

NOTE: this method is deprecated.


class pyssh.session.Session(hostname, port=22, username=None, password=None, passphrase=None, verify_knownhost_callback=None)[source]

SSH Session wrapper.

Actually accepts two methods for authentication: the simple a simple password or a pubkey. If password is not provided, attempts using pubkey, with or without pasphrase.

  • session (pointer) – c ssh session pointer
  • username (bytes) – current username
  • hostname (str) – remote ip or host
  • port (int) – remote port
  • username (str) – remote user name with which you want to authenticate
  • password (str) – remote user password.
  • passphrase (str) – passphrase in case you would authenticate with pubkey
  • verify_knownhost_callback (func) – function which gets called upon connecting to host. Should return True if connection is allowed, False otherwise. The only parameter to the function is remote host key SHA1 hash. WARNING: you should always verify host signature!

Close initialized ssh connection.


Create a new sftp session throught current ssh channel.

Returns:Sftp instance
Return type:pyssh.sftp.Sftp
create_shell(pty_size=(80, 24), env={})[source]

Creates a new shell session throught current ssh channel.

  • pty_size (tuple) – in case of shell is true this indicates the size of a virtual terminal
  • env (dict) – addiotional environ variables
execute(command, lazy=False)[source]

Execute command on remote host.

This command can return Result or LazyResult depending of lazy parameter.

  • command (str) – command string
  • lazy (bool) – set true for return a lazy result instead a evaluated. Useful for execute commands with large output (default: False)

Result instance

Return type:


password = None
session = None
username = None
class pyssh.result.LazyResult(session, command)[source]

Lazy command execution result wrapper.

This wrapper implements a iterator interface.


Launch the command and return a result as bytes.

Returns:bytes chunk of command execution result
Return type:bytes

Launch the command and return a result as unicode string

Returns:unicode chunk of command execution result
Return type:str/unicode

Waits a complete command execution and returns the return code

Returns:execution result return code
Return type:int
class pyssh.result.Result(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Consumed version of LazyResult. Useful for simple command execution.


Return a cached result.

Returns:bytes chunk of command execution result
Return type:bytes

Launch the command and return a result as unicode string

Returns:unicode chunk of command execution result
Return type:str/unicode


class, pty_size, env)[source]

Shell session.


Read bytes from remote shell.

This method always return value, if not bytes available to read it returns an empty bytestring.

Parameters:n (int) – number of bytes to read
Returns:bytestring of readed data.
Return type:bytes

Write bytes to remote shell.

The data parameter accept both str and bytes, if you passes str (unicode) is automatically converted to bytes using utf-8 encoding.

Parameters:data (bytes) – arbitrary length of bytes.
Returns:a number of bytes written to remote shell.
Return type:int


class pyssh.sftp.Sftp(session, buffer_size=16384)[source]

Sftp wrapper.

Exposes api for interacting with sftp subsystem: put or get files, open files with random read-write access, etc.

  • sftp (ponter) – c sftp session pointer
  • session (pointer) – c ssh session pointer

session (pyssh.session.Session) – initialized and connected pyssh.session.Session instance.

get(remote_path, local_path)[source]

Get a remote file to local.

  • remote_path (str) – remote file path
  • local_path (str) – local file path
open(path, mode)[source]

Open a remote file.


SFTP File wrapper

Return type:


put(path, remote_path)[source]

Puts the local file to remote host.

  • path (str) – local file path
  • remote_path (str) – remote file path
session = None
sftp = None
class pyssh.sftp.SftpFile(path, mode, sftp_wrapper)[source]

SFTP File wrapper


Close a opened file.

read(num=None, buffer_length=1024)[source]

Read from remote file.

Parameters:num (int) – number of bytes to read, if num is None reads all.
Returns:readed bytes chunk
Return type:bytes

Change position on a remote file.

Parameters:offset (int) – file position
Returns:boolean value if seek is success or not
Return type:bool

Query the current position on a file.

Returns:a current position.
Return type:int

Write bytes to remote file.

Parameters:data (bytes) – bytes chunk of data
Returns:number of bytes are written
Return type:int