Source code for pyssh.session

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import functools
import warnings

from . import api
from . import compat
from . import result
from . import exceptions as exp

from . import shell
from . import sftp
from ctypes import byref, c_char_p

def _lazy_connect(func):
    def _decorator(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return _decorator

def _check_open_session(func):
    def _decorator(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self._closed:
            raise exp.SshError("Session aleady closed.")
        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return _decorator

[docs]class Session(object): """ SSH Session wrapper. Actually accepts two methods for authentication: the simple a simple password or a pubkey. If password is not provided, attempts using pubkey, with or without pasphrase. :ivar pointer session: c ssh session pointer :ivar bytes username: current username :param str hostname: remote ip or host :param int port: remote port :param str username: remote user name with which you want to authenticate :param str password: remote user password. :param str passphrase: passphrase in case you would authenticate with pubkey :param func verify_knownhost_callback: function which gets called upon connecting to host. Should return True if connection is allowed, False otherwise. The only parameter to the function is remote host key SHA1 hash. WARNING: you should always verify host signature! """ session = None username = None password = None _closed = False _connected = False def __init__(self, hostname, port=22, username=None, password=None, passphrase=None, verify_knownhost_callback=None): self.session = api.library.ssh_new() if isinstance(hostname, compat.text_type): self.hostname = compat.to_bytes(hostname) else: self.hostname = hostname if isinstance(port, int): self.port = compat.to_bytes(str(port)) elif isinstance(port, compat.text_type): self.port = compat.to_bytes(port) else: self.port = port if isinstance(username, compat.text_type): self.username = compat.to_bytes(username) else: self.username = username if isinstance(password, compat.text_type): self.password = compat.to_bytes(password) else: self.password = password if self.username: api.library.ssh_options_set(self.session, api.SSH_OPTIONS_USER, self.username) if isinstance(passphrase, compat.text_type): self.passphrase = compat.to_bytes(passphrase, "utf-8") else: self.passphrase = passphrase api.library.ssh_options_set(self.session, api.SSH_OPTIONS_PORT_STR, self.port) api.library.ssh_options_set(self.session, api.SSH_OPTIONS_HOST, self.hostname) self.verify_knownhost_callback = verify_knownhost_callback def _connect_if_not_connected(self): # Do nothing if it is connected if self._connected: return self._connected = True ret = api.library.ssh_connect(self.session) if ret != api.SSH_OK: remote_msg = compat.to_text(api.library.ssh_get_error(self.session)) msg = ("Unable to connect to remote server. " "(Return code: {0}, Return message: {1})") raise exp.ConnectionError(msg.format(ret, remote_msg)) if self.verify_knownhost_callback is not None: hash = c_char_p() try: hashlen = api.library.ssh_get_pubkey_hash(self.session, byref(hash)) if hashlen < 1: raise exp.HostVerificationError("Error verifying remote host - could not fetch pubkey hash.") if not self.verify_knownhost_callback(hash.value[0:hashlen]): raise exp.HostVerificationError("Error verifying remote host - host not authentic.") finally: api.library.ssh_clean_pubkey_hash(hash) if self.password is not None: ret = api.library.ssh_userauth_password(self.session, None, self.password) if ret != api.SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS: raise exp.AuthenticationError("Error when trying authenticate with password. " "(Error code: {0})".format(ret)) else: ret = api.library.ssh_userauth_autopubkey(self.session, self.passphrase) if ret != api.SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS: raise exp.AuthenticationError("Error when trying authenticate with pubkey. " "(Error code: {0})".format(ret))
[docs] def close(self): """ Close initialized ssh connection. """ if self._closed: raise exp.ResourceManagementError("Already closed") self._closed = True if self._connected: api.library.ssh_disconnect(self.session) self._connected = False api.library.ssh_free(self.session)
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() @_check_open_session @_lazy_connect
[docs] def create_shell(self, pty_size=(80, 24), env={}): """ Creates a new shell session throught current ssh channel. :param tuple pty_size: in case of shell is true this indicates the size of a virtual terminal :param dict env: addiotional environ variables """ warnings.warn("Shell feature is very experimental and uncomplete.", Warning) return shell.Shell(self, pty_size, env)
@_check_open_session @_lazy_connect
[docs] def create_sftp(self): """ Create a new sftp session throught current ssh channel. :returns: Sftp instance :rtype: :py:class:`pyssh.sftp.Sftp` """ return sftp.Sftp(self)
@_check_open_session @_lazy_connect
[docs] def execute(self, command, lazy=False): """ Execute command on remote host. This command can return :py:class:`~pyssh.result.Result` or :py:class:`~pyssh.result.LazyResult` depending of lazy parameter. :param str command: command string :param bool lazy: set true for return a lazy result instead a evaluated. Useful for execute commands with large output (default: False) :returns: Result instance :rtype: :py:class:`pyssh.result.Result` """ if isinstance(command, compat.text_type): command = compat.to_bytes(command) if lazy: _result = result.LazyResult(self.session, command) else: _result = result.Result(self.session, command) return _result