Source code for pyssh

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import warnings

from .session import Session
from .sftp import Sftp

[docs]def new_session(hostname="localhost", port="22", username=None, password=None, passphrase=None, connect_on_init=False): """ Shortcut method for create new session instance. Session by default has lazy connection management. It only connects when it is need. But this this function you can pass `connect_on_init` parameter with True and session connects to the remote server before it are returned. :param str hostname: remote ip or host :param int port: remote port :param str username: remote user name with which you want to authenticate :param str password: remote user password. :param str passphrase: passphrase in case you would authenticate with pubkey :param bool connect_on_init: determines the lazyness of connection with remote server. """ session = Session(hostname=hostname, port=port, username=username, password=password, passphrase=passphrase) if connect_on_init: session._connect_if_not_connected() return session
[docs]def connect(hostname="localhost", port="22", username=None, password=None, passphrase=None): """ Shortcut method for create new session and connects to remote server. :param str hostname: remote ip or host :param int port: remote port :param str username: remote user name with which you want to authenticate :param str password: remote user password. :param str passphrase: passphrase in case you would authenticate with pubkey **NOTE:** this method is deprecated. """ warnings.warn("connect function is deprectad, use new_session function", DeprecationWarning) return new_session(hostname=hostname, port=port, username=username, password=password, passphrase=passphrase, connect_on_init=True)